Why Crickets?


Crickets are a superfood packed with over 2x as much protein as beef and contain more omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 than salmon, which support healthy heart and kidney function while improving the appearance of dog’s coats. They also contain all 9 essential amino acids that dogs need to function properly. Chirpz treats are also supplemented with vitamin C and vitamin E to provide dogs with a boost of antioxidants to fight free radicals and inflammation. And the cherry on top? They also taste delicious!


Livestock farming is one of the leading producers of harmful methane emissions and also wastes a significant amount of land, water, and resources. When compared to cattle, crickets emit less than 1% the amount of greenhouse gases, consume 92% less feed, drink 1800x less water, and require 99% less land. By choosing Chirpz, you and your dog are significantly reducing your carbon pawprint and helping to save our planet!


Crickets have an exoskeleton that is made up of a fiber called chitin, which is known to support the growth of healthy gut flora while inhibiting harmful bacteria in dogs. Chitin also helps pups to regulate indigestion and bloating and promotes the healing of wounds.


The most common food allergens in dogs are caused by consuming traditional protein sources like chicken, beef, dairy, and eggs. Studies show that dogs fed cricket-protein based food show a significant improvement in their symptoms and veterinarians often recommend introducing crickets in elimination diets since they are not a known allergen. Chirpz treats are also baked gluten-free to support gluten intolerances in pups.


The average lifespan of a cricket is only about 6 weeks and are only harvested after they’ve fully matured. Our crickets are also sourced from a free-range farm, meaning they get to live out the majority of their days hopping, eating, and burrowing as they please before being baked into our treats.