Chirpz was founded by a dog owner who was frustrated with the lack of healthy dog treats on the market. He noticed many products were high in fat and sugar, and contained certain fillers and additives that pose potential health risks to dogs. He felt that his two furry companions deserved something more than that, so he sought out to create a home-baked treat alternative that was both delicious and nutritious.

While researching potential ingredients, the founder read several studies showing that crickets are a nutritional powerhouse for pets, containing up to 69% protein, high levels of fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, and B12. And the added kicker? Crickets are much more sustainable and humane to produce than traditional protein sources like beef or chicken, using a fraction of the water, land, and feed. After learning this, it seemed like a no-brainer to start incorporating crickets into his dogs’ diets.

He began experimenting with cricket-based recipes in his kitchen and enlisted his four-legged taste-testers to help settle on the perfect combinations of flavors. Soon enough, they had created a line of tasty dog treats that were healthy for both pets and the planet, with crickets as the star ingredient. They called their company "Chirpz," because, well, crickets chirp, and who doesn't love a good pun? They started selling their treats at local farmers' markets and dog-friendly cafes, and before they knew it, they had a following of loyal customers who appreciated the mission of their brand.

Today, Chirpz is a thriving sustainable dog treat company that takes pride in knowing that they are helping to reduce the carbon pawprint of pet food while promoting the health and wellness of our furry friends. So the next time your dog begs for a treat, why not give them something to chirp about?

Our Story

Founder’s Pups

Leia & Ernie